And for you to understand the rest of this post you must also read it. So I pause here so you can give it a once over or two_____________________. Ok, assuming you read that post here is my rant....
One, the very first paragraph- for the couple who is constantly together all the time, you have more issues than you think and need to get separation occasionally or your relationship will burn out like a star slowing imploding on itself taking you, your significant other and those around you into the black hole of nothingness that ends in the "he said, she said-you must only be my friend" stupidness! BUT for "Billy" to be so hurt about "Karen" not wanting to train with him shows a severe lack of communication and trust and possible possessiveness issues. Billy needs to "suck it up cupcake" and realize that if Karen were to ever compete the establishment isn't going to let her only compete with him. This shows a major lack of vision in both Karen and Billy that their BJJ training and the skills they learned weren't going beyond the 4 walls of their own BJJ studio. Plus just a note to Karen...if Billy was this hurt over you not wanting to roll with him anymore (insert sarcastic whiny voice and possible baby crying in the background sounds) then it's probably a good thing you are rid of him, he seriously sounds like a stalker/creep/find him in the bushes outside your house at 3am kind of guy....just sayin.
Reason #1- Really? Your "need to get away" should be well established BEFORE you go to the studio. Who wants to be around someone every second of every day? ISSUES...Billy and Karen have issues!!!!!! Here is something built just for Billy and Karen!
Click here: For the couple who never wants to be apart...
Reason #2- " Spending too much time sweeping her sweetie". From Billy's previous reaction, it's probably a pattern throughout their relationship for him to overreact at the slightest bit of perceived rejection and therefore I really feel it wasn't Karen spending too much sweeping Billy, it was more like placating Billy's insecurities to prevent a fight later. " Or she wanted to fend for herself"...of course Billy didn't want her to fend for herself then she might see she doesn't "need" him anymore....God forbid.
Reason #3- "She felt self-conscious with Billy in the class"- well duh! I don't think it was a matter of Karen not wanting to "dissapoint" Billy...I think it was more of a "lets not make Billy mad" kind of scenario. How would you feel if you knew that someone was analyzing every move you made? Billy seems to be the type to make any eye contact, arm brush, laugh, etc out to be a bigger deal than it is. And don't get me started on the positions you end up in, oh I'm sure Billy's head exploded with those! Oh and healthy relationships when you do something dumb in front of your significant other they usually build each other up, not knock them down, unless it's funny...then after they stop laughing at you then they comfort you but there are no bad feeling being harbored for use later.
Reason #4- "He or She could be jealous of the progress made by the other one"- Wow! For real? Billy and Karen...psycho much? Of course some people are going to be "naturals" at things, embrace it... celebrate it! What is this... a soap opera?!?! Done in my best narrator voice *clears throat* (cue cheesy sad music) "and while Billy was hugging Karen and telling her how proud he was of her that she armbarred him, he was secretly plotting her demise with a sad but plausible Jiu Jitsu sands through the hour glass...."
Reason #5-"Some men/women need to know they still "got it" and they can't do that if you're around"- C'MON!!!!! Who thinks like this?!?!?! Seriously?!?! If your girl needs to know she "still has it" by flirting with other people while your not around SHE HAS SOME SERIOUS ISSUES!!!! If your man doesn't want you to train at his studio because he needs to flirt with other women, then your man guessed it...ISSUES!!!!! And those issues go far and beyond BJJ! Your relationship is already in trouble!
This post really got me going because we are a family that trains together, never once has my hubby been mad at me for rolling with another guy. He knows that I have to know what that is like for competitions, real life scenarios and to better my skills. Is he a beast at BJJ compared to me....YES! But am I mad at that? NO! I am so flippin proud of that..y'all don't even know! I want to aspire to get as good as him, I aspire to get as good as my instructors, and I aspire to have great in BJJ! Billy and Karen need to get over themselves and stop acting like they are in High School. BJJ is not a soap opera...take that drama somewhere else! Oh and to Ms. Karen...keep training you may need to use on Billy sometime soon in the parking lot, outside your house, when he shows up next to your bed in the middle of the night etc. Creeper ALERT!
You took the words right out of my mouth. Great response. Billy and Karen had a total breakdown in communication. Training together has only made my husband and mestronger on the mat, and stronger in our relationship. (Jen)
ReplyDeleteExactly. Me and my husband are closer and stronger both literally and figuratively from BJJ. "Billy" in this scenario is a cry baby. :-)
DeleteGreat Blog!!!! I agree with you guys 100%!